<aside> 💡 Regarding COVID-19 the World Cup will be held under the ICF, Spanish Government and Catalan Government COVID-19 measures.
Spain Travel Health: https://www.spth.gob.es/
If you are traveling by plane you need to cumpliment the FCS form and get the QR code
Updated information on COVID-19 and trips to Catalonia: https://www.catalunya.com/info/covid
COVID-19 Restrictions throughout Catalonia: https://web.gencat.cat/en/activem/restriccions-territorials/catalunya/
ICF COVID-19 protocol https://www.canoeicf.com/coronavirus-COVID-19-updates-canoekayak-events
Every accredited person MUST wear a face mask covering nose and mouth at all times. Indoors and outdoors.
Everybody on the bank MUST wear a face mask, even the atheletes,
If you need a test before entering or before leaving La Seu, please fill this form.
The HOC or the laboratory will be in touch with you to confirm the date.